Wednesday, June 22

Uh oh, knocking kneeees alert, the ITB is back

Just back from the physio, thought I'd go check out my crunching hip joint and funny knees.

Last year I had a bit of ITB problem (iliotibial band friction syndrome), ie my ITB is too short partly because of cycling and this causes the knee cap to move about in strange ways and get inflamed at the knee.

This year it's worse, and building on the ITB prob. The symptom is both knee caps moving around funny when I bend my leg, and the knees themselves bending inward rather than the leg bending straight. The reason again is a tight ITB combined with very weak glut muscles. The physio seems to be on the ball (better than the last one). She gave my ITB a good massage and taped up my knee cap to keep it in place. And I've been given those daily exercise you come away from the physio with...

I've got to stand on one leg with heel on small book, and do 10x single leg squats, in front of the mirror to make sure my knee moves in a straight line (ie keep it over my foot, not moving off to the inside), and pelvis straight (fingers on hips so I can tell).

I'm about to go for a (short) run with the tape on my knee to see how it fares.


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