Monday, February 26

Smith Family Challenge - one click - to restore good karma

One click:  right now, not later 😊 



Or read on …




Dear Friends & Colleagues


Apologies for the blast email !


I am doing the 100km Smith Family Challenge this weekend


I did this many years back so can vouch for it being super tough … and I've put on a few years and kilos since then


Our team will be rampaging over 100km around the mountains overnight - orienteering, running, tackling Aussie wildlife, biking and swimming across ravines


And most importantly raising $850,000 for The Smith Family (for my UK friends, this is the equivalent of Barnados)


We are at $550,000 so far of the 850k - our team is close to taking the top spot on fund raising – and I need to up my game!


Can you SPONSOR ME please - 


Clear some cobwebs, grab yourself some karma, and help some serious causes













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