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The team has raised $75k plus, I need to catch up Or delve deeper … For over a year I planned and trained for this expedition - to kitesurf 1,000km along the Great Barrier Reef, to break the longest kitesurf journey record, and raise funds to cure MND (motor neurone disease or ALS) The rest of the team are currently 730km along and in all sorts of pain, but I am typing this from Cairns Base hospital after wiping out and breaking my femur. But I will be fixed-up soon, in six weeks I will be walking again. My leg is debilitated but will recover. If I had MND, I would be facing a 27 month death sentence. I am lucky. And our emergency drills worked like clockwork, so the incident was contained, I was out of there, and the expedition resumed rapidly. So the team are kiting harder, more determined, and are asking you to dig deep, as they are doing, to donate to the cause, which is funding to find the cure to MND (ALS) - the project we are backing is a very specific tangible project - using zebrafish as the model rather than mice - to speed up the science to get the results faster. All donations go to the cause. The kitesurfers themselves paid for the support boats/logistics. What is the charity again? Where are $s going? The MND project is using bleeding edge science, at Macquarie University MND Centre – using zebrafish rather than mice – genetically modifying them so they are transparent with spinal cords that fluoresce, so you can see individual neurons die real time under a microscope, to speed up the science by 100x – they are four years down, and getting massive traction – they simply need more $s to get over the line. Dead simple – understanding the disease is literally in their sights. If you want to know more - we can go to the lab or I can send you some deeper info All the $s we raise go to the actual lab to the guys doing the science, zero admin leakage, no $s into the charity ether – total clarity of use e.g. One person donated $50k and it bought a $50k microscope – this is the kind of charity it feels good to support – with transparency of use of funds, and results, a good chance of a real outcome. And btw, not a single $ goes to the kitesurf event – that is self-funded This article in the Sydney Morning Herald explains the science MND is Motor Neurone Disease is also called ALS- once diagnosed you have 27 months to live
- it hits at random, there is no clear explanation for the cause, it can hit any one of us
- no treatment
- no cure
Dr Nick Cole runs the MND project we are supporting – he too is on the kitesurfing event, putting it all on the line The event - Kitesurfing 1,000km across the Great Barrier Reef – is totally insaneTomorrow the kitesurfers have a big day – I will get into more detail and keep you updated - pre–dawn start, 200km hopefully to Forbes Island Meanwhile – dig deep – it feels good to donate to a cause when you know there is total clarity of the use of funds Twitter: @kitethereef All the time in the world, even to listen to 4 minutes of ABC radio: THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT |
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